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Adult B'nei Mitzvah

A B’nei Mitzvah can be one of the most powerful and enriching experience of one’s life.  It is an opportunity to learn more about our tradition while fostering community.   It is also a way to enshrine a commitment to self-improvement and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).

The CBS Adult B’nei Mitzvah is a great way to build community and celebrate Judaism; it is also a big commitment.  The group meets formally twice a month for a year or more with several other informal gatherings and study groups interspersed.  It all culminates in an evening and morning Shabbat service led by the participants that, of course, includes reading from the Torah.

This program is open to all adult CBS members who are Jewish from birth or through conversion.  We use a cohort system and as soon as we have enough individual interested we start a new year long B'nei Mitzvah cohort. The exact format and structure of the program is not rigid and much of the learning and direction will be based on the cohort’s strengths and desires.  While guidance is offered it is up to the cohort to create and explore within the defined framework and make the whole experience meaningful for them and enriching to the community.

Some of the topics that will be covered include: liturgy, service structure, Hebrew, trope, and writing a d’var Torah.


(For more information, or to get registered for the next cohort please contact Rabbi Abram at

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784